
History and Philosophy of Programming

Posted on June 21, 2022

I have a long standing interest for Philosophy, and I was thus delighted when Tomas Petricek proposed me to join the Program Committee for the HaPoP-5 conference, more than two years ago. The conference was initially supposed to take place in 2020, co-located with NCrafts, but both events were cancelled because of You Know What. Here are some notes along with personal comments about each of the conference’s sessions. Another blog post will cover my notes from the PROGRAMme workshop which took place in the same location right after HaPoP-5.

Warren Sack - Miniatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Computer Program, Their Uses and Abuses

Warren Sacks is the author of Software Arts

I don’t know much about software arts but this talk gave me the desire to discover more of it. I liked the attempt at classifying various artifacts which share the common theme of Programming-in-the-small but serve very different purposes. It seems to me however that this classification does not do justice to the “Demo scene” whose artifacts lie at the intersection of all three classes.

Another very interesting category of programs which would have been worthy of analysis is what I would call “Constrained Competitive programming”, things like the IOCCC, or programs written in very alien languages. There is an exploratory dimension that would deserve a category of its own.

Shoshana Simons - Programming practice as a microcosmos of human labor and knowledge relations

Another interesting and somewhat provocative talk, even though the critique of the idea that scientific theories, and even more so practices, are a-historical and independent of the social context in which they are produced is somewhat mainstream nowadays. Although this talk takes a more political stance on the question, this reminds me of early Latour’s work, esp. in La science en action in which he demonstrates how scientists are not pure minds completely detached from the mundane practicalities of this world, like money, power status, ego…

I find teaching the practice of Critical Journaling a great idea, and also the emphasis on “unpacking” the black-box relevant in a world where technology is unquestioned and appears somewhat “magical”, with its impacts on the real world and real people’s life being ignored (think how food delivery startups take advantage of loopholes in law to employ workers without paying the full benefits and taking the responsibilities an employer has, how AirBnB’s pricing algorithms impact housing prices in metropolis…)

Lucas Bang - Program Size: A Call for Inquiry


I was completely ignorant of Blum’s theorem and even though its results are somewhat obvious, the fact it talks about total programming languages is very interesting and resonates with my personal investigations on practical use of Dependent Types.

The “call to arms” to developers to start taking care of their program size makes of course a lot of sense, and it’s well-known that program size is good measure for complexity or at least as good as any other measure, and taming complexity is a major problem in software engineering.

In a way, Lucas is advocating for more polyglot programming, whereby teams and projects will use the “right tool” for the job and not reach out for whatever hammer that happens to be “ready-at-hand” at one point in time for everything. Using total languages (eg. Idris), or restricted languages (Dhall or Grace), for the relevant parts of a system entails significant advantages in terms of quality, testing, security (eg. reduction of attack surface). My intuition is that those advantages, in the long run, offset the drawback of having to manage several languages/toolchains.

Andre Dickson - The disturbance of death and debt

This talk was one of the most philosophical of the conferences, drawing on Heidegger’s phenomenology to criticize, or shed a different light on Naur’s and Cunnigham’s notions and how they “disturb” the “lifecycle” of a program. We have had a follow-up discussion by mail with the presenter which somehow clarified his point of view. In my words, the idea is that a program (and the whole environment in which it is taken care of by programmers) is an equipment in the sense of Heidegger.

This talk prompted me to think again about this conceptual integrity concept, and to somehow reject Peter Naur’s (and Brooks’) idea that a program is somehow the “embodiment” or the “realisation” of a theory. This feels a lot like classical Aristotelian shape/matter duality which in my opinion is a common plague of our industry and possibly of our civilisation as it conveys the idea that what matters most is the shape, the idea, the theory that one bestows on matter in a god-like gesture, like how antique gods modelled humanity out of clay and infused them with life.

Daniel Kuby - Towards a linguistic conception of programming

Spontaneous Engineered
Restricted sublanguages Controlled languages
(medicine) eg. PL
Unrestricted Natural languages Planned languages
eg. Esperanto

We keep talking about languages in the context of programming but outside of CS this is understood asa metaphor and linguistics usually ignores programming languages. I like the idea of applying linguistic tools and categories to PL, considering those as part of a continuum of symbolic systems. Us practitioners are always concerned with the readability and expressivity of our programs, perhaps a little too much sometimes. Perhaps this line of research will provide insights that could inform future languages development, or possibly engineering of DSLs.

Nicolas Nalpon and Alice Martin - Why semantics are not only about expressiveness - The reactive programming case

Going beyond the obvious but useless Turing completeness yardstick to compare formal languages makes a lot of sense, and the example provided while simple makes a good case about how different representations can have different “epistemic” costs. I am too sure about the usability of bigraph formalism which I am unfamiliar with but if I think about something simpler like π-calculus, the classical reduction of λ-calculus to it (and vice-versa) already demonstrates how different notations for different aspects of system can be more or less painful to work with. It’s another good argument for polyglot programming, this time when it comes to formal specifications.

Robin Hill - Hello World? An Interrogation

The last talk of the conference proposes a phenomenological inquiry into the humble yet ubiquitous “Hellow World” program.

I found it interesting this analysis lead to the somewhat obvious but yet ignored truth that coding involves code: Even though it’s possible to write programs with pencil and paper, to actual code and program requires some other program to actually do something. HW is the first artefact a wannabe developer encounters that helps to acquire that insight. It reminds me of how puzzled I was before I learnt systems programming, when I reading books about Computer hardware and CPU, that were hinting at assembly or C code and I was pretty much clueless on how to actually write and execute those. I only have ever programmed using high-level applications like Multiplan or Access and did not know there was another reality behind those applications.

Robin Hill’s work, while seemingly simple, highlights this fact there is a huge amount of implicit knowledge behind even the simplest task of programming.